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Tiger & Piglets

Rosemary DeTrolio RMT

Tigers & piglet babies. Do I love them or eat them?


Sometimes change is necessary, but we still resist. We might feel uneasy or sad when sad events happen, but change an bring remarkable surprises.


My friend sent me a photo about a tiger mom who lost her litter of cubs. She was so distraught and depressed and wouldn’t eat. The tiger needed help.


 One smart zoologist thought  piglet babies might be accepted as surrogate tigers. Donned with tiger-striped tee shirts, the tiger mother was soon doting on the new brood. The piglets were just what the tiger mom needed.


When one door closes, another opens and sometimes that door hits us right in the keister when we didn’t want to close it at all. 


Allow change to happen. Surrender to it. When you least expect it, your life will shift again and you will be as content as a tiger mama and a new litter of piglets.

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