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Image by Jay Castor


What My Clients are Saying

Rosemary has the intuitive capability of seeing just what you need. During my chat with her, I discovered some things about myself that I knew in the back of my mind, but she was able to see those same things and offered encouragement and help with a struggle I was having. I highly recommend Rosemary!" Jolie Roy Renew Your Joy Coaching

I have been to" Rosemary for multiple Reiki treatments. I always feel better and lighter when I leave from a treatment. She is very calming and grounding. I have also taken her level I Reiki class. she is a great teacher and mentor in learning to be a reiki practitioner. I got a lot of good tools from the class and look forward to taking more with her in the future. I have been to Rosemary for multiple Reiki treatments. I always feel better and lighter when I leave from a treatment. She is very calming and grounding. I have also taken her level I Reiki class. she is a great teacher and mentor in learning to be a reiki practitioner. I got a lot of good tools from the class and look forward to taking more with her in the future, K. Klein

"My husband and I have known Rosemary for years. We have had several angel readings, and I've attended several of her workshops. She is a very gifted channeller, and one of her readings literally saved our marriage! She has been so supportive of me in my business over the years, and I value our friendship. Highly recommend her services! "

Ruth Ratliff, Vibrational Sound Therapist

"I have had the pleasure of knowing Rosemary for over 10 years. I have taken all her classes. Finding a lesson and more spiritual growth from each. They are amazing, allowing me to continue my own spiritual journey. Through her classes being offered at just the right time, I find what is needed to help me take that leap forward. Also the push from those angels through Rosemary's willingness to help me move along my path I am so grateful for. Rosemary is a wonderful teacher, guide, and friend ; I am honored to write this testimonial as her work continues to guide me along my path as well as many others."

Bee Calm Gina Tupaczewski

"I had the privilege of being a guest on Rosemary’s podcast. She’s a beacon of light, sharing inspiration and a message of hope for the Collective."

Tainna Roser-Awakening Transformation

"I had a angel reading done by Rosemary twice and with my first one it helped with my healing with the disappearance of my brother and helped get me back on track with my destiny in life. The second was to clarify my choices I had made and not to question everything and do things for the greater good of all. Its just amazing when you have someone who is as gifted as Rosemary and all the good she does for all of us who come to her! I plan on having a third reading done with her and I look forward to what my angels have to say and I highly recommend her to everyone with an open mind and open heart you too can heal or get help to find your way in life:))!! Angels are all around us we just have look feel and believe !!! Bless you Rosemary with your talents God has given you and never stop no matter what :)))!!!!"

Mike Gemalas -photographer

"Rosemary is a divinely inspired teacher and practitioner. Whether through an angel reading, a Reiki or Intuitive session, or class, she will guide you to experience your highest potential. I have experienced her loving guidance in every service she offers, and found each encounter soul lifting. I can't say enough about her gifts - you need to experience them yourself. (And her books make great gifts, whether for someone else or yourself!) I have experienced many Reiki sessions with Rosemary. Although I have had Reiki from numerous practitioners, I prefer to go to Rosemary. She realizes that I like verbal communication throughout the session, and what she communicated through touch and speech always is on target and helpful. Rosemary is truly gifted.

"Beverly Botelho-artist, poet, visionary

I was blown away by the reading. The past-life information explained fears I've struggled with your years! I was finally able to let them go thanks to you.

Blessing. Sara L.


The reading you did for my husband literally saved my marriage!  R.R.


"Rosemary is wonderful!! I could not have asked for a better teacher for my Reiki Level 2 certification. She's insightful, knowledgeable, and has a true gift." Mara Silverman

"Ro-Sensei, I feel that I need to add the Honorific to your name. I hope that this is OK. What an incredible day it was! What incredible people I met! What incredible peace I was given! I came home yesterday, energized and exhausted. Never in my life had I felt such peace within me, nor had I trusted strangers enough to allow them to 'get inside' me. I walked in your office and I felt like I was home. Sensei, thank you for finding your way into my life and allowing me to find my way into yours. I am looking forward to the continued journey and growth." Heather Ogawa

2024 Geralyn G.


One year ago today, my beloved German shepherd, Max, died from a devastating terminal illness.  All of the joy that was in my heart quickly vanished and I was devastated by the loss of my precious friend.  As it turns out, I had a previously scheduled Reiki Session with Rosemary two days after his death.  Rosemary was unaware of Max's passing.  However, when I saw her she shared with me that the day before she was on a Ferry and she was mesmerized by a beautiful and sweet male German Shepherd who was surrounded by the love and attention from children and adults alike.  Rosemary had a strong sense of my dog Max and she believed in her heart that it was him. When I showed Rosemary a photo of Max she immediately told me that he was wearing Angel Wings and that he was with his previous beloved German Shepherd companion Amara who had died four years prior.  Seeing Rosemary read this photograph of Max and hearing that he was now in Heaven with my other beloved dog Amara brought me an enormous sense of peace and joy.  She was able to tell me that they were both running and playing and happy again.  Max& Amara had become paralyzed by their illnesses and this Angel Reading gave me so much peace to know that they were happy and not suffering anymore.


Rosemary continued to help me for nearly one year after the loss of Max.  Although my mind was at peace, my heart was still broken without him and without a furry companion in my home.  She did an Angel Reading for me and she discovered three things that were holding me back from finding a new animal companion.  I needed to overcome my doubts that I could be a strong pack leader again, find my determination to own and nurture an animal, and look to all of the Wisdom that was locked deep inside of me to successfully raise a strong willed German shepherd.  For months, I worked diligently on these three topics. I faced all of my doubts and fears, cultivated my passion and determination for owning a dog, and remembered all of the past vital dog training techniques that I have learned over the course of my lifetime.  


In time I emerged a confident, strong, determined person.  With Rosemary's help, I set very clear and precise Intentions to God and the Angels to manifest an amazing dog to come into my life.  At an Angel workshop with Rosemary, I was guided thru an Angel Meditation.  I saw a dog running in an immense field towards me and Rosemary picked an Angel card for me that was the Romance Card.  She said, I would be falling in love with my forever dog and that it would be arriving in my life very soon.  For one month I said prayers to God and the Angels and I kept my faith that I would soon be given the dog of a lifetime.  The night before I was going to attend a local Earth Day Fair, I said a prayer to God asking him to allow me to be a channel of His Love and Peace and to allow me to help someone who was desperately in need of a receiving a huge favor.  The next morning I attended the Fair and came upon some Rescue Dogs who were up for adoption.  Out of nowhere, I was guided by a worker to check out their Rescue Center to see a German Shepherd puppy who was up for adoption and who was abandoned by her beloved Master because sadly he went into the hospital and then into hospice and died.  The dog's plight broke my heart and I began to cry.  When I arrived at the Rescue Center to meet the pup I was led into a huge enclosure that was surrounded by fields and the pup was running towards me.  I played with her for two hours and I immediately bonded with her and as  Rosemary predicted, I fell in love with her.  I told the owner I was interested in the pup but needed to think about it.  She agreed to give me a few days and hold my place, and to let me know if anyone else was interested I would be given first pick. I pulled myself back from making a quick adoption decision and I left the Rescue Center to give myself a chance to think things through.  I reached out to Rosemary for an Angel Reading.  The Angels told her that it was all up to me and that if I felt positive about adopting this young pup and could visualize her in my home then this would be the right choice for me to make.  If I felt unsettled about it then I should let it go.  I was also told that she would be a sweet loving dog for me to own and a champion protector. For several days, I meditated on the decision. I quickly became overwhelmed with the feeling to adopt her. As soon as I made the decision to adopt her, I immediately received a phone call from the owner of the Rescue Center telling me that several other people were ready to adopt her.  She gave me the chance to adopt her first and I said YES.


When I adopted Samantha, I was given a one-page document from the Veterinarian Clinic that she had previously visited with her former Master and it had his name and address on it.  When I googled the name and address all that came up on my computer was a photograph of his address:  to my amazement it was a photo of the exact same field that I had seen during my meditation at Rosemary's Angel Class.  As soon as I saw this photograph my mind was blown away!  This photograph and all of the events that transpired were absolute proof to me of the power of Intention and of Manifestation, the Power of Prayer and the Power of belief in God and the Angels.  Sam was sent to me by God and the Angels. Her heart was broken and so was mine and now our hearts are healed and filled with love and joy.


My heart is whole now, and I am the happiest that I have been in years.  My dog Samantha is thriving!  She is filled with love and light.  All of this was made possible to me because of the teachings, and gifts that Rosemary possesses.  She has taught me so much about God and the Universe, the Angels, Manifestations, Power of Positivity, and the Power of Intention.  Rosemary is a wonderful Gift from God and we are all so lucky to be able to call upon her for help, support, and guidance.


Please try a class or a session with Rosemary.  You will be transformed!!  Your life will take a wonderful turn onto a beautiful path of discovery!! You will become happier and enlightened!!  She's an amazing person, a treasure!!

"I was guided to you when I was feeling lost in my life back in 2005. You have a wonderful gift of communication and the angels speak through you. I highly recommend you to my friends and family. I go to you when I need advice or help. You've helped my personal growth through your words. I look forward to knowing more. You are a wonderful teacher!"  Fabi Reiki student

Image by Birmingham Museums Trust

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Blairstown, NJ 07825


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