In New Jersey

Time Wheel Series
Ages 11-14 middle grade series
main characters are male. Realistic characters with a touch of fantasy and time travel in the books.
Rosemary DeTrolio is a retired teacher and can present to your school group.
Time Wheel won a literary award for chapter book excellence.

Tommy Delo,
main character
Tommy held his head in his hands. “Homework,” he murmured. Fancy letters didn’t dress up the fact he’d have work to do after school. He finally understood dad’s funny expression, “You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig.” Homework was a time hog.
Jake Stanton,
new best friend
I was about to officially introduce myself at Orientation when Mrs. Lars interrupted my spectacular intro. My name’s Jake Stanton. Spill—what’s your moniker?” He swept his jet black hair from his eyes and didn't seem to notice the clutch of giggling females ogling him.
Miss Bell
Miss Bell smelled of gingerbread and spice cookies. The scent reminded Tommy of Christmas. It wafted around her making his head spin in circles. Tommy was airborne floating on a cloud of happiness every time he saw her. He was hooked on history class.
Tommy turned just as Joe barreled into him knocking him clear off his feet. Tommy lay there, splayed out and terrified. He stared face to face with Joe’s demon fist curled and ready to punch him into a new time zone.
Mr. Taylor
Mr. Taylor’s head popped up from behind his metal desk, startling Tommy. “Do I hear a carnival arriving in town?” he said. A shock of salt and pepper hair stuck up on Mr. Taylor's head like a scared porcupine. His black-framed glasses were perched on his nose over a furry dark mustache which wiggled whenever he spoke.
Jeff Milner,
Jake's best friend
Jeff’s cargo pants pockets were chock full of school supplies. He took them out as if his pocket as if it was a magician’s hat. Tommy almost expected Jeff to pull a white rabbit out by the ears. Then, as swift as an eagle, Jeff opened his notebook ready for action... his pen, a sword of truth.
Jenny Milner,
Jeff's cousin
“Beth, I'm glad I don’t need glasses like you do. They’re for ugly girls. Oh... no offense, Beth.”
Time Wheel Setting

Barn in Hope
Tommy Delo moves to a rural town.

Trout Alley
Tommy learns about the Trout Alley shortcut.

Bell's Trevor Trove
Tommy and Mom move into to Bell's Treasure Trove.

Grist Mill Hope
Old grist mill across from Tommy's new school.

Walk to school
This is Main Street.

Hope School Entrance
Hope School